štvrtok 26. januára 2012

The Halo Bulletin: 25.1 2012

Novinky ? Žiadne :(. Iba ďalšie útržky informácii, ktoré nás majú navnadiť ( alebo u niektorých už skôr rozčúliť)

Custom Challenge of the Week – Drones

343i prestavuje novinku a je ňpu Custom Challenge of the week. Custom challenges sme si už predstavili Každý týždeň bude vybratý jeden nepriateľ (zbraň, level atp.), za ktorého dostanete desaťnásobnú odmenu. tento týždeň je to Drone Infantry (tie otravné lietajúce potvory z kampane)

Office of Halo Intelligence

Tentotýždňový sneak-peak zo zákulisia vývoja Halo 4 napísala Kiki Wolfkill (executive producer). S Halom to nemá nič spoločné bohužiaľ. V skratke, v Seattli nasnežilo, majú kalamitu a kopec ľudí preto neprišlo do práce. Sigh.

Sweet! I feel honored to get to contribute a little blurb to this week's Bulletin. I'll do my best to try to keep you entertained for at least 15 seconds with all sorts of savory and unsavory details about the goings-on here on the Halo 4 team. In all seriousness, this team is doing some extraordinary work, and I look forward to being able to share more of their heroic deeds periodically over the next few months.

So, what the hell are we up to? Well, as even Kotaku noticed, Seattle was hit with a Snowpocalypse of proportions unseen since, wait for it.... 2011. Some 343-ers were stranded at home, racking up gamerscore and ruining their futures with hours of TV viewing (my marathons of choice: Downton Abbey and Spartacus). Now we're back and man, catch-up is a b****.

We've had an action-packed week of internal mission reviews, a deep-dive with the Marketing and PR teams, and a quick little exec review thrown in for good measure. It may sound like a lot of reviews and that's because it is…. we are in full execution mode. There are hundreds of moving parts across 343 and Microsoft Studios that need to be aligned and coordinated—now is the time to get all our ducks in a row. While it’s been a little hectic making up for last week's snow days and going through these reviews, it's always invigorating to be able to get the game in front of folks who aren't staring at it every minute of every day. I do look forward to getting back to our normal routine of game-building, playtesting, and general creative rabble-rousing. More on this later.

Oh—did I mention that my favorite hour this week was our music review? Magic....


A predsa čosi máličko

Z bulletinu sa dozvedáme, že Frank a Kiki mali "počúvacie" sedenie, kde im boli predstavené niektoré skladby z Halo 4 OST od ich dvorného skladateľa a zvukára Sotaro Tojimu. Píšu, že soundtrack sa im páči a že je podstatne odlišný od toho, čo poznáme od Martyho (Bungie).

Pôvodný príspevok na Waypointe

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