piatok 13. januára 2012

The Halo Bulletin: 1.12.12 - Office of Halo Intelligence

Office of Halo Intelligence bude každotýždenná rubrika na waypointe, kde jednotlivý vývojári priblížia niečo zo zákulisia vývoja Halo 4. Zatiaľ však neočakávajte nejaké zásadné informácie, skôr len nejaké drobnosti, ktoré vás koniec koncov iba naserú, pretože budete chcieť vidieť Halo 4 ešte viacej. Toto je prvý príspevok. Tentokrád od  Josha Holmesa (creative director) :

"Jessica has asked me to contribute to a Halo 4 developer diary as a recurring part of our weekly Bulletin. While we won’t be able to share secrets that would spoil any of the Carefully Planned Reveals™ that we have coming down the pipe, we will give you our impressions of some of the work that is going on behind the scenes here at 343. We’ll also provide our thoughts on anything that we do make public as part of the lead-up to the game’s launch. I realize that isn’t a lot at this stage, and trust me, this is hard for us, too. We are working on so many things that we can’t wait to share with you, but patience is in order. Good things come to those who wait. All will be revealed in due time. And assorted other clichés.…

Right now the team across 343 is shaking off the last remnants of our turkey-induced stupor and whipping ourselves into fighting shape for the year ahead. It’s going to be a huge one. This will be the culmination of a multi-year journey that has already filled several cylindrical space-canisters with delicious blood, sweat and tears. Now we’re entering the crucial final stretch in which we will ready our baby for release into the wild. It’s an exciting time but stressful, too, as we place pressure on ourselves to live up to your expectations. The good news is that the game is already looking great and fun to play. So, as we ready ourselves to give you your first real look at Halo 4 in the months ahead, we can only hope that you, too, will like what you see.


Pôvodný prispevok na waipointe.

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