pondelok 21. mája 2012

Nové Halo 4 Concept Arty

Objavili  sa 2 nové a nutno povedať že nádherné Halo 4 koncept arty. Oba sú vyňaté z Halo 4 témy pre xbox dashboard. Zatial len v nižšom rozlíšení, no čosko sa určite objavia vo väčšom.

3 komentáre:

  1. Ask me before posting this concept art...

    >> stolen from my twitter feed


  2. Ehm, i dont have an idea who you are. I found them here


    Are u owner of those pictures ? Member of 343i ? Artist ? I doub that. I even could say you have stolen them from somewhere.

  3. Hemlax does not steal. He own it! He is the dark knihgt of Halo!
